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Please find the appropriate form below. 

Parental Request for medicine to be taken in school

Please complete the form on the link below to request medicine to be given to your child at school.

Please note that we will only administer medicine that has been prescribed four times a day or that MUST be taken at specific time as per doctor's instructions. Medicine prescribed three times a day can be done so outside of school hours.

Please click here to go to the online request form.

New Dietary/Medical need form

Please log onto the Arbor Parent App to change any dietary or medical details for your child. Then complete this form to provide us more information: Dietary and Medical Needs - Further Details

Application For Exceptional Circumstances Leave of Absence during term time

Please complete the form below to request a leave of absence due to exceptional circumstances during term time.

Change of contact details/address form

Please log onto the Arbor Parent App to change any contact details for you or your child.

Walk Home Alone Form - Year 6

With safety at the heart of everything we do, we would like to update our records, regarding arrangements for children leaving at the end of the school day.  

Children in Year 6 (Rauf and Cowell) are allowed to walk home alone if we have permission from parents. Please note that if permission is granted, it is granted for all five days.

Any permission granted will be valid for the remainder of this academic year. We will send out a new form for the next academic year. Thank you for your support.  

Please use the form below to give your child permission to walk to and from school alone. 

Special Dietary Requests

Does your child have any dietary requirements?

Food allergies, intolerances and other dietary-related medical conditions are a constant consideration for schools, and we are keen to ensure all of our records are as up-to-date as possible, therefore, the kitchen staff have asked us to send this form out, to ensure we know about all requirements in the kitchen and for us in school.

Please complete the form as accurately as you can, describing any food allergies (for example to cow’s milk), food intolerances (for example to gluten) and/or other dietary-related conditions or religious dietary needs (for example coeliac disease/Halal).

Please don’t use the form to describe your child’s food likes and dislikes.

Once we have this information, we’ll share it with our staff in school and our staff in the kitchen, so we can make sure your child receives alternative meals that are safe for them. If your child’s condition changes after you send us the form, you need to tell us as soon as possible by contacting the office.