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Attendance Marks and Lates

Attendance Mark



Number of children late last week 14.10.24 to 18.10.24



Start time (register taken in class)



Children are Late (Register code L)

8.51am to 9.19am

8.46am to 9.14am

Children are marked as unauthorised absence (Register code U)

9.20am onwards

9.15am onwards

Please note that you can access your child/ren(s) attendance data on the Arbor App.

Attendance & Holidays in Term Time


Junior School

Infant School

Autumn 2023



Spring 2024



Summer 2024



How is school attendance measured?

The government set school attendance rules and targets that the school must follow. Schools are now required to share their attendance data electronically with the Department for Education (DfE) and the Local Authority (LA) and at key points in the school year, a census of school information is taken by the government which includes attendance. This attendance information is analysed, compared to schools nationally and shared with the school, local authority and Ofsted. Headteachers and governors are held to account by Ofsted for poor school attendance.

What counts as good school attendance?

The government expects all pupils of statutory school age (the term after their 5th birthday) to achieve 95% minimum attendance each school year. The school year has 190 days. This means pupils are expected to attend for 181 days at least, each year (9 days absence for any reason). Absence figures include authorised absence for illness or exceptional circumstances leave. An authorised absence is still an absence in the government data. (There are exceptional rules for pupils who are on special timetables, e.g. part-time, alternative site schooling and flexi-schooling).

What counts as poor school attendance?

Pupils whose attendance is at 90% or less (19 days absence in a year for any reason) are classed as Persistently Absent.

Schools are held to account for attendance through Ofsted inspections and by their governing bodies. Headteachers are expected to use their school absence policies to ensure good attendance in school, particularly focussing on 'Persistently Absent' pupils. The local authority supports the school through their School Attendance Officers. To ensure pupil’s attendance does not drop to these levels, our school will inform parents that their child’s attendance is a concern when they drop below 93%.

What are the authorised reasons my child can be off school?

There are only 2 authorised reasons for school absence:

1. Your child is too ill to attend school.

2. You’ve got advance permission from the headteacher for an absence.

Advance permission from the Headteacher refers to exceptional circumstances for absence.

What do I do if my child is ill and cannot come to school?

Call the school each day that your child is ill before 8.45am to tell us they will not be in school. This is needed so we can authorise the absence in the register. It’s a parents’ duty to inform the school if their child is absent. If a child is frequently ill, the school may need to ask you to provide medical evidence from the child’s doctor to prove their absence is genuine. (There are special rules for pupils with diagnosed medical conditions or on medical leave).

What happens if my child does not have good attendance?

It depends on how poor their attendance has become. In the first instance, the school will work with the family to support better attendance. Most times, school-led help will rectify the situation. If things don’t improve, then the Local Authority has the power to use Parenting Orders, Penalty Fines and School Attendance Orders for persistently poor non-attendance, which can culminate in criminal prosecution in court.

Why does it matter if we’re a bit late for school?

Everyone has the odd occasion when they’re unavoidably delayed, but persistent late arrival is a problem. When a child arrives late at school, they miss the start of lessons when the teacher gives instructions and explains the learning. Just 5 minutes late each day equates to nearly 3 whole days of lost school. 15 minutes late each day adds up to 2 weeks of lost learning. When you see it this way, it’s easy to see why it’s vital to be in school on time.

Where can I seek support?

School staff are happy to support families with improving attendance. Please speak with your child’s class Teacher, the School Office or book an appointment with the Senior Leadership Team. Every Monday, The Daisy Chain Project hosts a parent support group in the Children’s Centre from 9am. Please feel free to drop in. Daisy Chain Project.

Department for Education updated guidance which comes into effect in August 2024: Guidance can be found here.